
Crochet perfect little posies

Cute doesn't even begin to describe this! Love it! Find the pattern here.


Crochet little hearts

5-minute crochet heart

Cute to the max! Gotta love these little hearts! Find the pattern and video here.


New Poll

Hey guys!

I've just put up a poll :) If you wouldn't mind voting, that would be awesome! I did this to see what audience I was attracting. You would think crochet, but I've gotten plenty of comments from knitters, sewers, and papercrafters as well.
So, if you wouldn't mind, could just click on your fave craft? I would so appreciate it!
Thanks bloggers!
Grace Ann

Edited to add: Thanks to all you voters! I'll be sure to add more options next time!!! :)


Crochet Ireland's Scarf

Check out this pretty scarf over at Crochet In Color. It uses extended single crochet, which I really think gives a great texture and pattern to the scarf! Love! Find it here!